
Drawn Hungry: Play Like a Chef

Created by Jordan Mishra Johnson

A card game that feels like you’re competing on your favorite cooking show - without destroying the kitchen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

I'm so thankful for you! 🍂🍁
3 months ago – Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 03:00:43 PM

Hey foodie friends! 

Thank you so much for supporting Drawn Hungry. I've absolutely loved getting this game out to all of you and hearing from so many folks that they're going to play Drawn Hungry with their families this Thanksgiving. 

This process has been a marathon and you've provided such incredible motivation. I'm truly so thankful for everyone who supported the Kickstarted and pre-ordered a game. 

If you've received your game already, please let me know if you wind up playing over the holiday weekend and how things go. 

If you haven't received your game yet, check your email for a tracking number, and if it doesn't arrive over the next couple of days please contact me and we'll figure out how to make sure you get your card game. 



The Games are Here! 🐰🩵
4 months ago – Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 07:32:41 PM

I'm practically bubbling over getting to share the news that 1,500 units of Drawn Hungry are sitting in my garage right now! 

I'm going to get started shipping out orders tomorrow. 

This is your last chance to change your shipping address on BackerKit! I definitely recommend checking your account if you've moved since August 2023.

Get ready, I can't wait to hear all about the games you play with your friends and family. 

The official launch is going to be on Friday, Nov. 22, when the game will be available to buy on 

I'm also going to host a launch event at Stem Wine Bar  on Mississippi Ave here in Portland, OR from 3:00-9:00 PM on the 22nd. You're welcome to stop by and celebrate! I'll be there with games and folks are welcome to hang out and play. 



Slight Delay, but Any Day Now!
4 months ago – Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 04:45:33 PM

Hi Kickstarter Backers,

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling the anticipation!

Jeff Goldbloom excited

We have officially cleared customs. The games are currently in a Los Angeles Warehouse, just waiting for the last leg of delivery to be scheduled. I'm working to get this last piece of the puzzle in place, which should happen this week, and then we'll be ready to start getting games out to you!

Follow me on Instagram @DrawnHungry to get daily updates on the process in my stories. and celebrate this major accomplishment!


Games Will Be Here Any Day Now!
4 months ago – Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 03:10:50 PM

1,500 units of Drawn Hungry have made their way across the Pacific Ocean and are now hanging out in a US Port, waiting to be processed through customs. I've been told games could be arriving here on my doorstep as soon as next week! 

We'll see how customs processing goes, I have heard some horror stories from other indie designers. As soon as games are delivered here to my home in Portland, I'm going to be shipping them out to all the folks who have placed pre-orders.

Thank you so much for the support! We're getting so close to fulfillment. I'm feeling hopeful that we'll get games to you in time to play Drawn Hungry with your friends and family this Thanksgiving. 

🐰 Games are Made and Heading This Way! 🚢🏭
5 months ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 06:17:29 PM

I'm very excited to share that 1,500 units of Drawn Hungry officially exist here in the world! They're all just currently with the manufacturer in China. Your games will all be loaded onto a cargo ship next week and shipped over to me.

The unofficial, very rough date of arrival here at my home in Portland, OR, if everything goes according to plan, is Nov. 15. 

However!!! There's still potential for delays. I will keep you all updated as the games make their way over here and get processed through customs. 

Once the games do get here, I'm going to be sending them out as soon as I possibly can. We are planning a whole shipping station down in the basement to get the orders out efficiently. I'll share some pictures once it's all set up!

Expect some emails from BackerKit confirming your current mailing address. You might even want to login now and update it if you've moved since August 2023. 

